Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back in the swing of things!

Well, we've been a little busy (or maybe we were busy being not-so-busy)! Daddy went back to work yesterday after 2 weeks off. It was nice to be home together, and we did lots of fun things:

1. We celebrated Ian's birthday with a party with both sides of the family. Even Charlie the Cougar came for a visit!

2. We celebrated Christmas with both sides of the family!

3. Ian had his three-year-old doctor's visit, and passed with flying colors. He's in the 75th percentile for height and weight, and talked the doctor's ear off!

4. We made a visit to The Children's Museum (thanks, everyone, for the membership!), and we spent most of our time with the dinosaurs. (Next time you talk to Ian, ask him about his "euoplocephalus." If you can't pronouce it, just ask him for help!) We're all becoming dino-experts!

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