Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A List of Firsts

We've had a lot of "firsts" over the last couple of days.

1. IAN'S FIRST WATCH - Daddy bought Ian a new Spiderman watch, and it has left his arm only once to take a bath. We have been very punctual lately because we are getting updates on the time every 2-3 minutes (on average - we may have gone as long as 10 minutes at times!). In the picture below, he's also showing off his new jammies and a fresh haircut. Mommy is back as the hairdresser!

2. IAN'S FIRST HOMEWORK - Ian filled out an "All About Me" page for his preschool class. He used markers, scissors and a glue stick, and loved every minute of it. When we're working on pre-calculus in high school, I'm going to try to remember this happy day!

3. IAN'S FIRST SELF-PORTRAIT - Ian came home from preschool today ready to draw a picture of himself. He said they drew them at school today, and he wanted to do another one to show me. I was so impressed, and it's on the refrigerator waiting for oohs and aahs from Daddy when he gets home from work!

4. GARRETT AND BRENNAN'S FIRST BATHS - We finally got around to tub baths for our baby boys! They were clean up until this point, I promise! Nana and Mommy accomplished this while Ian was at school. It's definitely a 2 person job! I washed Brennan first, wrapped him in his towel, then handed him over to be dried off. Then, I grabbed Garrett and did it all over again! As I was shampooing, I realized I was giving new meaning to the back-of-the-bottle directions that say, "Lather, rinse, and repeat if necessary." In this case, it's definitely necessary!


Anonymous said...

The pictures are so good! I really enjoyed seeing them. G'ma

Stephanie, RN BSN (to be!) said...

Wow, your three boys are precious! Hope things are going well and everyone is growing big and strong!