Thursday, April 17, 2008

1st Visit to the Dentist

Ian had his first official dentist appointment on Tuesday morning. He was very excited, especially after reading about Brother and Sister Bear's (Berenstain) experience! He was very calm, but did want to hold Mommy's hands while the dentist worked. The only thing that seemed to bother him was the light shining in his face, but that was easily solved with a pair of sunglasses from the dentist.

The report: cavity-free, and plenty of room for bigger teeth later! Woohoo!


Ellen Davis said...

Whoa, Ian has grown! No cavities...great news. Do they still give out lollipops as rewards for no cavities? That always seemed a bit ironic to me.

Ian's Mommy said...

Nope. Just a lousy toothbrush!

Denise said...

"Me Ian" ~Dalton
"No me Ian" ~Devin
They will love looking at pictures of Ian!!

Nancy said...

Ian looks like such a big boy here! This is a cute pic. Love and miss you!