Saturday, October 11, 2008

Garrett's "firsts"

The boys are growing and developing, and it is so exciting to see! The fact that they were born 7 weeks early means that their developmental milestones will be adjusted, at least that's what the doctor tells us. In some cases, yes, in others, NO!

On October 3rd, Garrett ROLLED OVER! At first we thought it was a fluke, but as we kept flipping him back onto his tummy, he would just roll to his back again. He probably did it four times in a row that evening, and has done it several times since. "Normally" a baby does this at 3-5 months of age, so we are very proud of our over-achiever. In general, Garrett's personality is the "fiestier" of the two boys, starting with his broken bag of water at 32 weeks gestation!

On October 7th, Garrett SMILED! Up until this point, both boys have had very happy looks, but no all-out grins. Our friend and babysitter-extraordinaire, Stephanie, came on the 7th, and was holding Garrett after a feeding. He had his first huge grins, and we were so excited! I called Daddy and left him a message to tell him the exciting news! I regret the fact that I didn't grab the camera, so no smile pics yet. Sorry!

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