Monday, March 30, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Ian took swimming lessons over the last two weeks at "Daddy's school" (our local high school). He went Monday-Thursday, and really seemed to make a lot of progress. The classes were taught by members of the swim team, and Ian's class had 5 kids, ages 3-5. The first two days were fairly traumatic. On the first day, the teachers dunked the kids completely under the water 3 times. Ian is not a huge fan of getting his face wet, so being forced under the water (and injesting some of it) did not go over well. At home, we talked about how brave he was, bought him a pair of goggles, and by day four, he was a pro! If you ask him what his favorite part of swimming lessons was, he would say enthusiastically "Bombs!" (We eventually stopped trying to correct this... he actually means "bobs," but we think it's pretty cute.) He's officially ready for summer; now all we need is warm weather!

Ian's on the left

Coming up for air after a "bomb"


1 comment:

Abby said...

So glad to see and hear that he's enjoying swim lessons!! I'm sure he'll grow so much this summer and love the pool even more! I hope you're all doing well. Tell the family I say hello.