Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm in the hospital :(

As of this afternoon, I am in the hospital until the babies arrive! :( I am leaking amniotic fluid from Baby A's sac, so I'm being watched for signs of infection or labor. So far, I have neither. I'm feeling fine, just a little overwhelmed... yesterday everything was going great! At my appointment yesterday my belly measured 40 weeks (full term for a singleton), so I'm thinking it thought the timer was up!

I am 32 weeks, 2 days pregnant today, and the first goal is to make it 48 hours before delivery to allow the steroid injections to do their job of developing the babies lungs. The next goal (and delivery day, if we make it that far) is August 6, 2008 (34 weeks). The babies are big for their age - 5 lbs. 2 oz. and 5 lbs. 4 oz. - as of today's ultrasound, so that is a plus.

Meanwhile, I'll try to enjoy my flat screen TV, DVD player, wireless internet, 24/7 room service, and doing nothing! I'm fully aware that several weeks, months and years from now, my life will be much busier!!

Please pray for our family, and especially these 2 precious boys that we will meet soon! Prayers are such a comfort.


ruben sanchez said...

for the babies :D
i don't know how i get here
but this make me feels good
life's good
have a nice day

Ellen Davis said...

Hang in there, Marj! You're right...consider this some proactive rest for how crazy life will soon become. We'll be praying that August 6 comes around soon and that those two little boys stay healthy!