Thursday, July 31, 2008

A little excitement

Well, last night I began to have some contractions that were more uncomfortable than I had experienced so far. They subsided enough for me to sleep (in fact I don't remember my nurse bringing me my pill at 1 a.m.!), but started up again early this morning. I got the doctor's attention, so he ordered bloodwork, to be followed by IV fluids and some medication to stop the contractions. While the bloodwork was being processed, the contractions tapered off and I started to feel much better. The bloodwork came back clear (no sign of infection), so the IV and meds were avoided! I know God is fully aware of my next goal (August 1st), and so far, He is agreeing with me!

We were able to take a tour of the NICU today (me in my wheelchair). We were glad to see it ahead of time, and even saw a baby girl that was similar in size and age to our boys. She was doing well, but was SO tiny!! It will be an adjustment from our 9 lb. 5 oz. baby Ian!!!

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