Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Day

The boys continue to make progress. The doctor increased the amount of food they are given again.

They tried Garrett in a basinett today, but his temp. was a little too cool, so now he's in a coverlet to maintain his body temperature. They also took his IV out this morning. As long as he continues to gain weight, he'll stay off an IV. The only things he's connected to now are heart and breathing monitors and a temperature monitor. Mommy nursed him again today.

Brennan is still going strong. He has been too sleepy to nurse, but they said he was wide awake at 8am this morning and drank well from a bottle.

Mommy's infection just won't go away. They continued antibiodics all day today and will keep her one more day. Hopefully, she'll go home sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Ian and Daddy slept in their own beds last night. Ian was happy to be home with some normalcy. He'll be happy when he gets back on his normal schedule of Curious George after breakfast and then playing with dinosaurs, trains, cars and his "park" (the playset) the rest of the day. He keeps asking when mommy will not be wearing her hospital pajamas. We are trying to find the best time to take him to the NICU to see his brothers. He is only allowed one visit, so we want less wires and tubes on the babies when he sees them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How great to see the progress Brennan and Garrett are making each day! We continue to pray for each of you.
Love & Blessings,
Aunt Lex