Monday, August 11, 2008

First day home (for Mommy)

We made it through my first day home. I felt like I was planning my entire day around a set of stairs! I'm still pretty tender from surgery, and the fact that I didn't move a whole lot in the hospital is making moving around a little bit of a challenge.

Daddy brought his mini refrigerator home from work so that we can use it in our bedroom for a while (basically for drinks and breastmilk!). Ian and I hung out upstairs most of the morning, then came downstairs for lunch (Daddy came home long enough to make lunches for us) and playtime with Megan in the backyard (thanks, Lisa, for coming!). I went back upstairs to put Ian down for his nap, and stayed up until Daddy got home from work. I'm having to think hard about what I'm going to need for the next several hours to minimize the stairs!

Good (and somewhat surprising) news about Garrett and Brennan... they are on target to come home on WEDNESDAY! We knew they were doing well, but wow!! They both kept their temps up in open beds and ate well today. There are a few other hoops for them to jump through, but things are looking VERY good for our little boys!! Keep the prayers coming.

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