Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Feeding time

Mommy and Nana got to bottle-feed the boys this afternoon. They forgot a camera, so no pics. Sorry. The nurse on duty did take some pictures and printed them for mommy to have in her room.

Brennan put on a few more ounces today and he is in the bassinet holding his temperature so far... They continue to increase his milk allowance.
Garrett held firm on his weight today and can now eat as much as he wants.

Garrett is excited about eating. Everyone has to wear a gown when holding the babies unless mommy is nursing.

Brennan has his IV in his head. It looks bad, but there are good veins up there and he can't mess with them as much.

The CAT scan on mommy showed no problems. Her blood cultures are coming back fine. Her temperature spiked again this evening. The doctors seem confident they are ruling out the big stuff and continue to treat it as an infection with strong IV antibiotics.


Anonymous said...

The boys are SO CUTE! Glad to hear they are doing good and hopefully you will be on the upswing too! I'll say a prayer that your fever goes away and doesn't come back! Still saying prayers for all of you.

Susan Collins

Carrie said...

They are so sweet! I'm happy to hear they are doing well and that all the "big stuff" is being ruled out for you. Will continue to pray.